This was a project I started to make since October 2017. It is a kopitiam (coffee shop) located at Lorong Panggung, Kuala Lumpur. Since it is for my personal collection, the work is made in my own pace without worrying about the deadline. However, it was sad to know that this 60 years old shop is going to close down in May of this year. Coincidentally, Atlas Obscura and the filmmaker approached me at this moment to make a video for that. It's such a good timing to produce a precious documentary for all of us, recording both real and miniature ver. of this kopitiam. Million thanks to Lucas Veuve for this wonderful video. We have spent so many hours and days to film at both of my studio and Ho Kow kopitiam. Let's check out his amazing video here ↓↓ In conjunction with the launching of movie Ant-Man and the Wasp, we're grateful to have the chance to collaborate with SAYS and Marvel to shoot a series of photographs of Ant Man in my miniature kitchen and provision shop for advertising in the social media. Ant-Man in Nanyang Kitchen Ant-Man in Ban Fong Provision Shop Look at how real the Ant-Man figurine is!
Collaboration project with Maxis. Check out the micro stories behind each of the miniature post here ↓↓ 不知道是哪來的偏方,上台前有人教我在手心上寫個“人”字,把它吞下去,你就不會緊張了。我照做,還真的奏效耶! 👍 短短六分鐘,承蒙团队一直給予的各種幫助、指點和鼓勵,讓我能在 #Tedx PetalingStreet 的舞台上傳播漣漪。要感謝的人還有太多太多,因為在這裡我所遇到的每一位都教會了我很多事。 有時候做袖珍就是一種自虐的過程,因為耗時它會消磨你的耐心,因為必須長時間專注它會消磨你的精神。可是如果享受整個過程,卻會讓你用另一個視角去看待這世界。昨天所經歷的,所學的,都讓我有了新角度去經營這人生。 由衷感謝!期待下一次再度相聚! #Tedx茨廠街 #Ripples2017 #漣漪人2017 如果你已沉浸袖珍多年,相信對“郭昱晴”這位老師的名字並不陌生,她是我的啟蒙老師之一。 2007年因為閱讀她的《郭昱晴的娃娃屋2》才開始認識袖珍的。老師在第二本書出版後,因為結婚生子,忙於演藝事業所以中斷袖珍製作很多年。
可是世界就是這麼小。 去年有幸被台灣的東森新聞報導,我在臉書上提到老師而碰巧被她看見,後來我們就這樣成了朋友,互相在微信交流,和另一位同好組了個三人八卦聊天室。老師因此開始重新製作袖珍,大家的熱情都從未改變。若真心喜歡,時間會證實一切。 幾年前有位朋友幫我算命(我也不曉得準不准,但聽聽無妨)他說我有書緣,愛閱讀。現在這麼想,嗯 大概是吧,因為書,我也和袖珍結下不解之緣。 而今年老師決定繼續埋下下一顆種子,和出版社再次合作製作第三本書。這次我也非常榮幸地受邀為她的新書寫序言。雖然只有簡單的三百個字,文筆也稱不上些什麼,但全部都是真心話。 如果因為一本書讓你找到自己生命的重心,這本書還是值得一買的。 一起期待吧,《郭昱晴的袖珍小物》! |